Semi Turtle Top - Beige
Semi Turtle Top - Beige
Get ready to take on the day in style with our Semi Turtle Top in Beige. This top features a unique semi turtle neckline, perfect for adding a playful touch to your look. With its comfortable fit and versatile color, you'll love wearing this top for any occasion.
Produk Clouwny semiturtle top menggunakan bahan premium knitt halus, lembut, full rajut benang cotton, jadi walau dipakai siang hari tetep nyaman dan menyerap keringat ya.
Lingkar dada cutting Clouwny semi turtle top besar.
Tidak perlu di strech mulai dari 102 cm.
Jika di strech bisa sampai 140 cm.
Lingkar Dada 102-120 cm
Panjang 52 cm
Strechy, loose dan mengikuti bentuk tubuh bahannya premium super soft knitt yah sis.
bahan halus & super soft
strech dan elastis
Premium Quality
Available Colors : Black / White / Grey / Khaki / Nude / Maroon / Pink / Yellow / Navy / Beige / Green / Salmon / Cream / emerald / blue / Sand
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